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Parliamentary Majority and National Regional Assembly: seminars promoted by Scuola Normale, Senato, Camera dei deputati, Parlamento Europeo, Conferenza dei Presidenti delle Assemble e legislative delle Regioni e delle Province autonome

Publication date: 14.05.2018
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A special session of WISS Lab. Seminars 2018 on Parliamentary Law at Sant’Anna School will be held on May 16-17, 2018. This 2-day seminar titled “Maggioranze parlamentari e assemblee elettive” will focus on parliamentary majority and regional assemblies. Seminars are promoted by Scuola Normale Superiore, Senato della Repubblica, Camera dei deputati, Parlamento Europeo, Conferenza dei Presidenti delle Assemblee legislative delle Regioni e delle Province autonome.

Emanuele Rossi, Professor of Constitutional Law and vice president for academic affairs at Sant’Anna School, has organized this session addressing issues related to the new electoral law.

The Italian election failed to produce a majority winner. No political parties were able to achieve the majority of seats to promote stable government. The “Great coalition government”, “Presidential government” or an “Institutional government” are sometimes used as demolition tools to rebuild alliances. The Italian XVII legislature (17th legislature), where no parties could secure the Senate majority, has had three newly formed coalition governments. The XVI legislature (16th legislature), has had a great coalition government.

According to article 122 of Italian Costitution (and Law no. 165 of 2014) seats in the regional assembly are distributed proportionally and the coalition supporting the winning candidate for president is awarded a bonus of seats ensuring a majority.